Babyproof Your Systems & Marketing

Go from feeling like you’re drowning in chaos to streamlining your operations with full-proof systems.

We build systems that instill confidence into your day-to-day operations & implement marketing plans that establish you as THE expert in your industry.

The Executive Experience

Babyproof Systems

90-minute Strategy Session

The Executive Experience

The time and brain space that you spend managing clients, team members, and the ins and outs of your business is limiting your profits and keeping you torn between the role of goal setter and the executioner.

The Executive Experience is a white glove OBM service designed to provide the high-touch operational support that CEOs need so they can stop weaving between the weeds of their business and actually start leading their company.

Are you ready to truly embody the CEO your business needs to catapult you to your next success milestone?

Learn more

Babyproof Systems

Systems allow you to create sustainability in your business and foster a team environment where every member is set up for success. As the CEO, your team looks to you for the resources they need to accomplish their jobs successfully and to your standards.

Systems in a day

Choose 2 areas in your business that you need streamlined and let’s create custom systems that empower every area of your business to thrive.

Comprehensive Asana Build

In 8 weeks, let’s completely revolutionize your business’s backend and set your operations on autopilot. This offer includes 6-weeks of deliverables and 2 weeks of Slack access to our team.

babyproof my systems

90-minute Strategy Session

Struggling to identify your ideal client let alone how to get them to book you? Or maybe you’re in the process of mapping out your business goals and feel stuck? You have big goals and you need to know how to get there! We can help with that. 

In 90-minutes let’s pinpoint the exact path you need to take to achieve your goals and build a custom plan for you so that delegation and implementation are a breeze.

book a strategy session

— Lauren, Studio Human Kind

"Working with Sarah opened up the time in my schedule I needed to focus on running my own projects. The investment is worth every penny for support and peace of mind, especially as my business continues to grow."



"Honestly, it's been a dream having you on my team. Without you, I wouldn't be able to scale and change my business as it is now! I'm actually going to bed ON TIME and not having to worry about staying up late for client work!"